Krishna’s Butter Ball Mahabalipuram
any type of balls, on any slope they become naughty and roll down to the bottom. The science is also that if the diameter of a round object like a ball is small and the base touching the ground is small then it will travel faster than anything else. But look at this, this is Krishna’s Butter Ball, a ball which has presented an amazing example of balancing by defying all the principles of science.

Mahabalipuram: The Icon City Of India’s Glorious Past
This is the one of incredible cities of india, City of Temples, mamallapuram or mahabalipuram situated in Tamil Nadu, this port city situated 60 kilometers south of Chennai is famous for its historic stone carvings, but here is a giant balancing rock which rests on a slope of 45 degree with only 2 square feet base without any support which refuses to roll everyday.

Even after a number of storms, rain, earthquakes or tsunami, this stone remains standing here like this. Thousands of years have passed but it has not moved from its place. It is said that this butter ball, about 20 feet high and 16 feet in diameter, has been stuck in the same position for 1200 years or may be more, defying gravity. Stone is stubborn but interesting.

The original name of this stone is One irai Kal means Stone of Sky God. Now no one has been able to find out till date whether it has remained so for so many years due to some supernatural power or there is some scientific reason. But whoever sees this 250 tonne or 250,000 kg stone, doesn’t remain being surprised. It looks as if it will topple at any moment, but tourists rest under it and some dignitaries even try their best to try their hand on it.
The surface on which it rests is so slippery that children slip on it. But surprising thing is that, This is the only structure in Mahabalipuram which does not have carvings. so locals connect it with the other world. Many believe that this is a natural formation but due to erosion, water flow and wind, it is impossible for the stone to take such a shape. a lot of attempts has been made to remove this stone from its position but failed.
History Of Krishna’s Butter Ball
It is believed that Pallava King Narasimha Varman tried to remove this stone from here and this incident shows that this stone existed even before the 7th century. In 1908, the Governor of Chennai, Arthur Havelock, felt that it would soon collapse, so he tried to remove this stone with the help of seven elephants. But could not even move this stone.
Krishna’s butter ball is bigger than the monolithic rocks of Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu The thing to think about is how could those people have brought this stone to this place more than 1300 years ago and with what technology they made it stand such that all the modern technology of 1200 years and even the law of gravity fails in front of it.
Weighing 250 tonnes and 20 feet high, this stone rests on such a slope that even a small ball will not be able to stand.
Great Relief Of Mahabalipuram: