The Oseberg Buddha:  A Hidden Link Between the Vikings and India

oseberg buddha

A well-preserved Viking vessel that was excavated in Norway in 1904, there is one that stands out for its enigmatic origin and meaning: the Oseberg Buddha. This is a small statuette of a seated man in the lotus position, with a flat head and a peaceful expression. His chest is decorated with red and yellow enamel and four swastikas, a symbol of auspiciousness and good fortune in Buddhism.

Krishna’s Butter Ball: A Natural Wonder in Mahabalipuram

Even after a number of storms, rain, earthquakes or tsunami, this stone remains standing here like this. Thousands of years have passed but it has not moved from its place. It is said that this butter ball, about 20 feet high and 16 feet in diameter, has been stuck in the same position for 1200 years or may be more, defying gravity. Stone is stubborn but interesting.

Veeranam Lake: A Guide to the 1000 Years Old Freshwater Reservoir in Tamil Nadu

veeranam lake

The opening chapter of the book Ponniyin Selvan, authored by Kalki Krishnamurthy, is set on the banks of the Veera Narayana Lake. The author gives an elaborate description of the features of the Veeranam Lake: A Historical Reservoir in Tamil Nadu with a Catchment Area of 25 km and the way multiple rivers flow into the lake.

Atlantis Island In Mahabharata and Puranas: Epic Connection

Did you know there is a wide and detailed description of Atlantis already given in the ancient record of Mahabharata and in the Puranas that point toward the same geographical location as previously assumed by many historians? The nature of Atlantis in Vedic history is given as a sacred and holy place of enlightened sages and “beings of light”.

Gravity in Ancient Indian Texts and its Relationship with Other Civilizations

Gravity in Ancient Indian Texts

This shloka from the Rigveda suggests an understanding of the force of gravity, although it does not provide a detailed explanation of its principles. Another significant reference can be found in the ancient Indian text called Surya Siddhanta, believed to have been written around the 5th century CE. Surya Siddhanta states: