Gravity in Ancient Indian Texts and its Relationship with Other Civilizations

This shloka from the Rigveda suggests an understanding of the force of gravity, although it does not provide a detailed explanation of its principles. Another significant reference can be found in the ancient Indian text called Surya Siddhanta, believed to have been written around the 5th century CE. Surya Siddhanta states:
Sushruta Samhita: The Oldest Textbook of Medicine in the World

Sushruta Samhita stands as arguably the oldest surgical textbook, download sushruta samhita pdf in hindi
Exploring the Ancient Historical Science, Architecture, and Innovation of India

Ancient India was a hotbed of scientific discoveries and innovations. The contributions of Indian scientists and scholars in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine are well-documented. The concept of zero and the decimal system, which revolutionized mathematics, originated in ancient India. The ancient astronomers accurately calculated the movement of celestial bodies, while Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, provided holistic healing methods that are still practiced today.
Exploring the Ancient Historical Science, Architecture, and Innovation of India

One of the most notable achievements of ancient Indian science is the concept of zero and the decimal system, which revolutionized mathematics and laid the foundation for modern-day numerical calculations. Indian astronomers accurately calculated the Earth’s circumference, the distance between celestial bodies, and even discovered the concept of gravity.